KOTHRR 2025 Calendars
We have beautiful KOTHRR 2025 Calendars for Sale as a fund raiser and to spread the word 
of our rescue efforts.  This calendar features equine models from Knick O'Time Horse 
Rescue as well as from RoanOake Farm.  They are 11" x 8.5" wall calendars, printed on 
calendar weight, glossy paper stock, with a convenient hole punched so you can hang it up.  
Have a look at the front and back covers below.  They are going like hotcakes!   
Our Calendars are $15 each, shipping included.
Please make your check out to KOTHRR, provide your return address, and mail to:  
14509 N. 83rd Street
Longmont, CO 80503
Or use the PayPal buttons below to pay for your purchase:

​One for $15 (includes shipping)